Global Warming Science:


Maui Drought Cycles Follow the Sun


[last update: 2024/01/31]



Maui County Drought





Unfortunately, the drought data starts in 2000.




Comparison to Solar Cycles


The following figure shows the sunspot number progression since 2000 (from )



The following image shows the sunspot data shitfed left by approximately 3 years, superimposed on the drought data.



However, the drought cycle does not cause the sunspot cycle. Typically drought is associated with lower solar activity.

Thus, the following figure inverts the drought and shifts the sunspot cycle to the right by approximately 4-5 years. This would mean the solar activity influences the drought lagged by 4-5 years.





Maui drought is not related to CO2; it is related to sun cycles.




Comparison to Other Studies


The following figure shows the Animas River flows (New Mexico) along with sunspot numbers. It indicates a 5-year lag as well.


this is a correlation based on a lag of 5 years between the solar series and the Animas series. Everything follows closely. The trends match. The number of cycles match. The peaks of each series roughly match. The minima of each series match. Consider in comparison, that time series representations of greenhouse gases don’t even express such oscillations. And yet greenhouse gases are attributed to force droughts, while solar irradiance is not.





See Also


Amazon drought is related to solar cycles:


The solar cycle is related to temperature jumps:


The sun’s magnetic field is also related to Earth’s climate:


The climate goes in cycles: