Global Warming Science:


Amazon Drought Cycles Follow the Sun


[last update: 2024/01/31]



Eastern Amazon Drought


X-contributor Ryan Maue:





Comparison to Solar Cycles


The following figure shows the sunspot area since 1880. The sunspot cycle is approximately 11 years (Schwabe Cycle). The sun’s magnetic field reverses with each sunspot cycle and thus after two sunspot cycles the magnetic field has completed a full cycle – a Hale Cycle – and is back to where it started. Thus a complete magnetic cycle is 2 Schwabe sunspot cycles -- approximately 22 years.




The following figure compares the Amazon drought data with the sunspot data. The figure marks the onset of odd-numbered cycles with a vertical red line, even-numbered cycles with a green line making it easier to see the Hale cycles.




Most of the drought / wet cycle minima / maxima occur soon after the onset of the solar cycle.


The period of sunspot cycles 20 and 21 (approx 1966 – 1988) deviates from the onset lining up with the peaks. This was a longer cycle of less sunspot activity and no wet extremes. Sunspot cycle 21 was unusual: “A very unusual thing occurred in cycle 21 when aa had two minima, one in November 1976 (five months after the Rz(min) of June 1976), and another several years later, in March 1980.” [] The following figure is from that paper showing the initial aa index minimum (DE in 1976) corresponding to the wet maximum, and the later lower minimum (MA in 1980) correspond ding to the dry minimum.




Amazon drought is not related to CO2; it is related to sun cycles.




See Also


The solar cycle is related to temperature jumps:


The sun’s magnetic field is also related to Earth’s climate: