The Crusader Recommends Civil Disobedience
Sep 2008: The moral crusader Al Gore recommends civil disobedience and action by state attorney generals [sic], Reuters reports ("Gore Urges Civil Disobedience To Stop Coal Plants"). "Nobel Peace Prize winner and environmental crusader Al Gore urged young people on Wednesday to engage in civil disobedience to stop the construction of coal plants without the ability to store carbon. "I believe for a carbon company to spend money convincing the stock-buying public that the risk from the global climate crisis is not that great represents a form of stock fraud because they are misrepresenting a material fact," he said. "I hope these state attorney generals around the country will take some action on that."" He must have been encouraged by the UK ruling: "UK Court Rules Activists May Damage Coal-Fired Power Plants", a case in which the Greenpeace defendants caused 30,000 pounds damage to a coal plant and at which NASA's James Hansen testified on their behalf.
IPCC "Consensus" Is Misrepresentation
Sep 2008: The Australian newspaper reports ("Climate Case Built on Thin Foundation") that "The IPCC encourages us to believe that about 2500 climate scientists supported the claim of a significant human influence on climate. It fails to clarify that the claim was made in chapter nine of the working group one contribution and that the contributions of working groups two and three were based on the assumption that the claim was correct. The first eight chapters of the WG1 contribution were mainly concerned with climatic observations and the authors expressed no opinion about the claim made in chapter nine, and chapters 10 and 11 assumed the claim to be correct. The entire IPCC thesis therefore stands or falls on the claims of just one chapter. We are also led to believe that chapter nine was widely supported by hundreds of reviewers, but just 62 IPCC reviewers commented on its penultimate draft. Only five of those reviewers endorsed it but four of the five appear to have vested interests and the other made just one comment for the entire 11-chapter WG1 contribution. ... Scientists associated with the development and use of climate models dominate the clique of chapter nine authors and by extension the views expressed in that chapter."
American Psychological Association Sets A Green/Brain-Washing Course
Aug 2008: USA Today reports ("Psychologists Determine What It Means To Think 'Green'" that the American Psychologists Association (APA) wants "to launch a national initiative specifically targeting behavior changes, including developing media messages that will help people reduce their carbon footprint ... stepping up efforts to foster a broader sense of eco-sensitivity that the group believes will translate into more public action to protect the planet". The 148,000-member APA will now participate in the brainwashing trying to turn grey matter green.  The article also notes: "News stories that provided a balanced view of climate change reduced people's beliefs that humans are at fault and also reduced the number of people who thought climate change would be bad, according to research by Stanford social psychologist Jon Krosnick. ... Krosnick found that adding 45 seconds of a skeptic to one news story caused 11% of Americans to shift their opinions about the scientific consensus [on global warming]. Rather than 58% believing a perceived scientific agreement, inclusion of the skeptic caused the perceived amount of agreement to drop to 47%."

The APA provides info on this also: "Psychologists need to examine the attitudes and behaviors in the wider context of beliefs about environmental and social change. ...developing an international agenda for psychology and climate change."

NASA Climate Change Science Program Releases Report For Comments
Aug 2008: NASA CCSP has released a draft report for public comment: "Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States". It contains the standard alarmist statements that have no support in empirical science but are based on model conjectures. NASA is promoting the hysteria.
The instructions for submitting comments are here:
The report is available here:
Comments must be submitted before August 14.

World Climate Report calls the CCSP report "A perversion of science" see:  

There are so many fallacies in the report since it is all based on hypothetical warming rather than actual empirical data. So far, I have sent one comment regarding temperatures in the Northwest.

Physicist and Astronaut Walter Cunningham Says NASA Should Debunk the Hysteria
Aug 2008: NASA astronaut Walter Cunningham wrote an article in the August 2008 issue of Launch Magazine: "NASA should be at the forefront in the collection of scientific evidence and debunking the current hysteria over human-caused, or Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). Unfortunately, it is becoming just another agency caught up in the politics of global warming, or worse, politicized science. Advocacy is replacing objective evaluation of data, while scientific data is being ignored in favor of emotions and politics. ... It doesn’t help that NASA scientist James Hansen was one of the early alarmists claiming humans caused global warming. Hansen is a political activist who spreads fear even when NASA’s own data contradict him. Warming in the upper atmosphere should occur before any surface warming effect, but NASA’s own data show that has not been happening. ... For nearly a decade now, there has been no global warming. Even though atmospheric CO2 has continued to accumulate—up about 4 percent in the last 10 years—the global mean temperature has remained flat. That should raise obvious questions about CO2 being the cause of climate change." Read more Excerpts here
Climate Scientist Roy Spencer Testifies Before Congress
Jul 2008: Roy Spencer, Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama Earth System Science Center (former NASA scientist with Ph.D. in meteorology testified before the US Congress: "It seems that the IPCC leadership has a history of ignoring natural climate variability. … In the early days of the IPCC I was visiting the head of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, the director, Dr. Robert Watson who later became the first chairman of the IPCC. He informed  me and a working associate with me that since we now had started to regulate ozone-depleting substances under the 1987 Montreal Protocol, the next goal in his mind was to regulate CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning. This was nearly 20 years ago. There was no mention of the scientific basis for that goal. So as you can see, from the beginning of the IPCC process, it has been guided by desired policy outcomes, not science. … I am predicting today, that the theory that mankind is mostly responsible for global warming, will slowly fade away in the coming years, as will the warming itself." See his testimony here.
American Physical Society Says Global Warming Debate Is Not Over
Jul 2008: The American Physical Society publishes a Forum on Physics and Society. Whereas Al Gore says the debate is over, the July 2008 Issue of Physics and Society Editor's Comments section says: "With this issue of Physics & Society, we kick off a debate concerning one of the main conclusions of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ... There is a considerable presence within the scientific community of people who do not agree with the IPCC conclusion that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are very probably likely to be primarily responsible for the global warming that has occurred". One of the main articles in the issue states the following: "Now that the IPCC has published its estimates of the forcing effects of individual feedbacks for the first time, numerous papers challenging its chosen values have appeared in the peer-reviewed literature. ... the IPCC has failed to allow for two-thirds of the cooling effect of evaporation in its evaluation of the water vapor-feedback ... the cloud-albedo feedback, regarded by the IPCC as second in magnitude only to the water-vapor feedback, should in fact be negative rather than strongly positive."
Government of India Says Anthropogenic Global Warming Is Not a Problem
Jul 2008: The Government of India has published a National Action Plan on Climate Change. Section 1.4 of the Technical Document states: "No firm link between the documented [climate] changes described below and warming due to anthropogenic climate change has yet been established." India is taking a pragmatic approach and has no intention of cutting CO2 emissions if it affects its economic growth. The report Overview states: "India is determined that its per capita greenhouse gas emissions will at no point exceed that of developed countries even as we pursue our development objectives."
Global Warming Causes Earthquakes
Jun 2008: The scare stories get more incredible on almost a daily basis. The Globe and Mail investor web site reports in a press release [] that "The research proves that destructive ability of earthquakes on Earth increases alarmingly fast and that this trend is set to continue, unless the problem of "global warming" is comprehensively and urgently addressed." The story is about a research report called "Earthquake Energy on the Rise" by Tom Chalko in the Natural University Journal of Discovery, Australia. Chalko's report states: "Planetary interior overheating is the most serious consequence of so-called “global warming” and constitutes the main danger for humanity on Earth today." When Canada's respected Globe and Mail starts reporting such bogus science (although it is a news feed press release), it lends respectability to nonsense. Update: Apparently this was also reported on the CBS web site, but then removed. Anthony Watts has some good coverage of this topic:
Blood and Gore Profit from Carbon and the Democratic National Convention
Jun 2008: The Blood and Gore team (Generation Investment Management, with chairman Al Gore and managing partner David Blood – a former CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management) has purchased almost ten percent of Camco Group (see link below for references), which, according to the Camco website: works closely with major companies worldwide, establishing partnerships to turn our clients’ climate change liabilities into economic, social and environmental assets. The Camco Group states: We generate carbon credits by partnering with companies to identify, develop and manage projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Camco then arranges the sale and delivery of carbon credits to international compliance buyers and into the voluntary market.The Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) selected Camco as the Official Carbon Advisor for the 2008 Democratic National Convention, to be held August in Denver As the Official Carbon Advisor, Camco will work with the DNCC to estimate the Convention's carbon footprint”.

See for more details on Democratic National Convention and the Denver area.
See for more details on the battle to monetize carbon.
Global Warming Will Increase Kidney Stone Incidence
May 2008: The alarmism is growing more bizarre. A study at the American Urological Association (AUA) says that global warming may cause an in crease in the incidence of kidney stones in the US. Rising global temperatures could lead to an increase in kidney stones … researchers applied predictions of temperature increase to determine the impact of global warming on the incidence and cost of stone disease in the United States. … Dehydration has been linked to stone disease, particularly in warmer climates, and global warming will exacerbate this effect. … The southern United States is considered “the stone belt” because these states have higher incidences of kidney stones. Rising global temperatures could expand this region; the fraction of the U.S. population living in high-risk stone zones is predicted to grow from 40 percent in 2000 to 50 percent by 2050.” Actually it is the southeast US that has the reputation for higher kidney stone incidence according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and this is apparently related to the incidence of obesity (see for more details on the medical studies). The southeast has not been experiencing global warming as shown in the following figure from the Hadley Climatic Research Unit data used by IPCC.

See for more details on the kidney stone alarm.
See for a regional study of southern US temperatures.

Global Warming Causes Higher Taxes
May 2008: This title, however is not sarcastic. The Desert Dispatch paper reports [] that Los Angeles is considering a global warming tax - a "climate change mitigation and adaptation fee," - the measure would cost motorists either an additional 3 percent motor fuel tax, or up to a $90 annual flat fee, based on vehicle emissions. surface temperatures were not out of the ordinary either. The article states: "The assemblyman's sleight of hand conflates two issues, the real problem of congested traffic and the contrived emergency of so-called global warming.".
Global Warming Causes Cyclones
May 2008: Al Gore has publicly blamed the devastating tropical cyclone that hit Myanmar on global warming (of course). But according to the Hadley Climatic Research Unit data (used by the IPCC) there has been no warming in Myanmar. Sea surface temperatures were not out of the ordinary either. 
See for more details.
Global Warming Causes Shark Attacks
May 2008: The Guardian reported an article called "Surge in fatal shark attacks blamed on global warming". This extends the blame everything on AGW to new levels. See for more details.
Global Warming Goes Into Hiding

May 2008: A new study in the May 2008 Nature ("Advancing decadal-scale climate prediction in the North Atlantic sector" by N. S. Keenlyside, M. Latif, J. Jungclaus, L. Kornblueh & E. Roeckner ) uses climate models based on sea surface temperatures (SST) to predict northern hemisphere climate. The study states: "over the next decade, the ... North Atlantic SST and European and North American surface temperatures will cool slightly" and "Our results suggest that global surface temperature may not increase over the next decade, as natural climate variations in the North Atlantic and tropical Pacific temporarily offset the projected anthropogenic warming."

NASA recently published a world map showing SST anomalies for the world's oceans, showing that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is entering a cool phase.  The NASA article states: while the La Niña was weakening, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation—a larger-scale, slower-cycling ocean pattern—had shifted to its cool phase. … The shift in the PDO can have significant implications for global climate, affecting Pacific and Atlantic hurricane activity, droughts and flooding around the Pacific basin, the productivity of marine ecosystems, and global land temperature patterns. The following figure is from the NASA article - click on it for a larger image. 

La Nina and Pacific Decadal Oscillation Cool the Pacific
Dr. Don Easterbrook (Dept. of Geology, Western Washington University) addressed the Washington Policymakers in Seattle, saying that the "
shifting of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) from its warm mode to its cool mode virtually assures global cooling for the next 25-30 years and means that the global warming of the past 30 years is over." See:

See for further information on the PDO and AMO along with correlation to temperature.

New Zealand Provides Case Study of HadCRU Gridded Data - No Global Warming in NZ
Apr 2008: A study of the temperature data for New Zealand reveals no sign of global warming in that area. An examination of HadCRU gridded data compared with NOAA GHCN station data shows that no warming has occurred long-term in the raw data - warming only shows up in the "adjusted" data. Even so, the HadCRU adjusted gridded data shows no warming in New Zealand in the last 4 decades. The following figure shows the HadCRU data for the five 5x5 degree grids covering land stations in New Zealand (click on it for a larger image).

 See or for full detail of this examination of HadCRU gridded data and NOAA station data for New Zealand.

See also for interactive data graphing -- now updated to include HadCRU gridded data.

Phoenix, AZ Provides Case Study of Urban Warming
Apr 2008: Phoenix AZ shows considerable warming since the 1960s when looking at a graph of the mean annual temperature as shown below (click on the graphs for larger images).


However, the details reveal it to be due to the urban heat island effect. The following graphs compare Phoenix with Roosevelt and Childs (nearby rural stations). The left graph shows the annual average maximum temperatures, while the right graph shows the annual average minimum temperatures. The annual average maximum temperatures have not changed significantly for any of the stations. However, the annual average minimum temperatures (which occur at night) show a different trend. The Phoenix trend shows a very significant increase, whereas Roosevelt is more or less unchanged and Childs shows slight cooling.

 See for more details on the Phoenix urban warming compared to nearby rural stations (including a rural station showing warming).

UK-Based Companies are Profiting from the CO2 Trading Scam
Apr 2008: Most of the companies profiting from CO2 trading are based in the UK, including Climate Exchange Plc (which owns the European Climate Exchange, Chicago Climate Exchange, and Montreal Climate Exchange), the Camco Group (with a substantial ownership by Al Gore's Generation Investment Management), Climate Change Capital and IdeaCarbon. These corporations all have significant involvement of people involved with the UN and its negotiation of Kyoto and the UNFCCC. In the case of IdeaCarbon, Nicholas Stern (who created the apocalyptic "Stern Review" for Tony Blair's government) is Vice Chairman.

Senator Dianne Feinstein of California introduced a measure for government oversight as part of the CO2 trading. She said: “This landmark legislation will not only significantly reduce our nation’s carbon footprint, it will also generate tremendous economic potential. In fact, new carbon markets – with annual values of approximately $300 billion – are expected to emerge once Congress establishes a cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gas emissions.”

Enron promoted the designation of CO2 as a pollutant so that they could profit from the trading. Other companies are now following in their footsteps.

 See for details of the companies profiting from the scam. There is a strong connection between many of the people involved with these corporations and the United Nations history of creating the scare (See for details of the history)

Antarctic Wilkins Ice Shelf Shows Seasonal Evidence of Warming
Mar 2008: The Wilkins Ice Shelf in Antarctica exhibited a "vast disintegration" in March 2008 - providing solid evidence of global warming (according to all the media hype). However, an examination of the details shows no such evidence. The National Snow and Ice Data Center [] provides the following images of the Wilkins ice shelf location in 2008 (left) and in January 1996 (right). The March 2008 NSIDC article states: “NSIDC Lead Scientist Ted Scambos, who first spotted the disintegration in March, said, "We believe the Wilkins has been in place for at least a few hundred years. But warm air and exposure to ocean waves are causing a break-up." An interesting point: Ted Scambos said something similar in 1999: “On the southwest side of the peninsula, the Wilkins ice shelf retreated nearly 1,100 square kilometers in early March of last year [1998], said Scambos. … Within a few years, much of the Wilkins ice shelf will likely be gone”. A decade later the Wilkins Ice Sheet is just about the same - at the end of the Antarctic summer the edges have disintegrated.


See the Regional Summary on the Antarctic Peninsula ( for more details on this issue, including more pictures of the Wilkins showing that there is no melting from the air - the disintegration is from warmer sea surface temperatures.

Solar Cycle 24 May Result in Global Cooling
Mar 2008: David Archibald has written an analysis of recent sunspot cycles describing the relationship between the solar cycles and the influence on the interplanetary magnetic field and temperatures on Earth. He also provides an analysis of the inverse correlations between the solar cycle length and temperatures at various climate stations. 


 See for more details on the expected solar cycle 24 cooling. 

2007 Hurricane Season Below Normal
Feb 2008: The 2007 hurricane season was below normal in both the Atlantic and Pacific. For the Northern Hemisphere this is the lowest activity since 1977, and 4th lowest in the past half-century (in terms of ACE - Accumulated Cyclone Energy). Due to the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific basins typically have opposite levels of activity. For 2007, both basins were below normal. See the link below to the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies for more details.

 See for more details on the 2007 season, hurricane season histories and tropical cyclone monitoring.

No Atmospheric Warming Since 1998
Jan 2008: The satellite temperature data show no warming in the new millennium. The following figure shows the satellite data for Jan 2001 – Jan 2008 from the world climate report. []. A warming trend is not displayed, as it should be if CO2 were playing its hypothesized role. Satellite data is of very limited climate trend use due to its lack of historical data – many temperature stations show warmer periods in the 1930s-40s, but satellite data only starts in 1979.


Click Here For Global Warming News from 2007